You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.5. File - Product Category > File - Product Category - IBT

File - Product Category - IBT

Use this tab to configure a product category for inter branch transfers.



For more information about inter branch transfers, refer to "Edit - Program - Inter Branch Transfer".

  1. Add a new product category or open an existing one.

Refer to "Adding a New Product Category" or "Updating a Product Category".

  1. Select the IBT tab.

Micronet displays the Category File Update screen - IBT tab.

  1. Complete the following fields:





0Store: Automatic P/Order- Round sale of components to parent level ?



1Head Office: Receives P/Order- Explode into components on P/Slip?



2Head Office: Manual creation of P/Slip: Explode into components on P/Slip?



3Head Office: Invoice to Store- Explode into components on store confirmed G/Receipt or I/Cost. Must have manufacture kits on invoice or slip set to yes.



4Head Office: On P/Slip download to PDA- Explode into components



5 Head Office: On P/Slip download to PDA- Show the components



6Head Office: On posting C/Transfer- Explode into components



7Head Office: On scanning store consignment stock sales- Explode into components on the held invoice



8Head Office: On G/Receipts or I/Cost explode kits?



9Head Office: Auto completed works orders on posting consignment transfer



Explode Kit on PDA

When you post a kit to a PDA you have the choice of posting the assembled kit (or Bill of Materials - BOM), or having Micronet break up the kit into its separate components. Select an option:

  • No – post the master kit item intact to the PDA, not the individual components
  • Yes - Show Kit Information – break up the kit item into its components, showing the kit information
  • Yes - Show Components – break up the kit item into its components, showing the component information
  • Yes, On Slip Creation – automatically break up the kit item into its components when a picking slip is first created.


Force Scan on Item by Category

2.8 Feature

Select how PDA users can enter picked items in this product category into Micronet. Options are:

  • No - when picking items in this product category, PDA users can manually select items from the list
  • Yes - when picking items in this product category, PDA users must scan a barcode; they cannot manually select items from the list.
  1. Select FILE | SAVE.